Returns and Shipping

Before placing an order:

Before completing your order you must be sure that the products that are in the cart are the ones you want to buy.
Verify that you do not charge more than one product if you do not want it, it may be charged double and then we will have to make a refund and for this process a charge of $2 is made.

After placing an order:

Check your email for your order confirmation to verify that they do not have any errors and you can contact me immediately, for example, you may have provided an incorrect shipping address or accidentally ordered the wrong size or wrong color

Shipping process:

All shipments will be made in two business days and take the time corresponding to your city and shipping company.

If you need to cancel your order:

We allow 24 hours (one business day) to cancel your order. if the order was shipped cannot be canceled, you may call me and I’m happy to help you.